
DIY Window Repair and Replacement Tips Made Easy

Reasons To Install Hurricane Resistant Shutters

You should install storm protection in your home if you live in a hurricane-prone area. In this regard, hurricane shutters are excellent installations for your windows, and here's why.


Hurricanes cause strong winds to blow. These winds may carry debris, including large rocks and metals. When the debris hits your glass windows, they may shatter. The broken glass increases the risk of injuries like cuts when you step on them or touch them. Also, the debris may enter your home with great force resulting in bodily injuries when they hit you. Treating these injuries can be costly and recovery may take a long time.

Fortunately, hurricane-resistant shutters provide a barrier for your windows, preventing debris from entering your home. Also, if your glass windows break, the shutters prevent the broken glass from scattering inside your home. This protects your safety.

Property Protection

Hurricanes may cause a lot of water to enter your home, resulting in water damage to your property. For instance, excess moisture may cause the decay of your home's wooden components, including floors and window frames. Also, excess water seeping through the floors may cause the degradation of your home's foundation.

Water damage may increase the risk of the collapse of your house. Unfortunately, repairing the water damage to save your property can be costly. Hurricane shutters prevent stormwater from entering your home via the windows, preventing water damage.

Insurance Requirements 

Home insurance protects your home against various risks, including fires and natural disasters like hurricanes. Nevertheless, home insurers require you to fulfill specific requirements before insuring your home.

For instance, if your property is located in a hurricane-prone area, your insurer may require you to have hurricane protection in your home. This lowers the insurer's risk of incurring losses when storms occur. Installing hurricane shutters can help you meet your insurer's expectations. Hence, you can get the home insurance you need.

Security Improvement

Your windows may be entry points for intruders into your home. This may result in losing your valuables and an increased risk to your home's occupants' safety. Hurricane shutters that are correctly installed can cover your windows when closed, providing an added protective barrier. This prevents easy access to your home via the windows, boosting your home's security.

Hurricane shutter installation can help you meet home insurance requirements, improve home security, protect your house against storm damage and ensure your property's safety. Consider installing hurricane shutters for these reasons.

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DIY Window Repair and Replacement Tips Made Easy

If you're on a budget or simply like to do things yourself, finding DIY window repair and replacement tips isn't easy. Sometimes, you need detailed instructions and tips that are easy to follow and understand. My blog is just what you need. It contains tips and information every homeowner can use for their installation and repair projects. You also how to insulate your windows, which helps you cut down on your yearly energy expenses. Whether you're ready for your next DIY project or just need advice on how to proceed with a current project, keep reading. Good luck with your window repairs and replacements.
